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How to Spy on Your Competition to Build Your Marketing Plan

March 4, 2021


Marketing strategist Chris Zukowski shares valuable insights on how to spy on your competition in order to build a successful marketing plan for an indie game. Through his website and consulting work, Zukowski has gained valuable experience in the industry and offers practical tips for indie game developers.

To begin, developers can find the right target to spy on by using the platform, which provides data on revenue and wishlist estimates for various games on the Steam platform. Zukowski also suggests using tools like to track follower counts and see how many wish lists other games have generated over time.

Developers can also learn how to conduct thorough research on their competition, including analyzing trailers and community feedback to understand the types of games that are possible and how much they earn. By creating a spreadsheet with target games and gathering data on their wishlists, developers can gain valuable insights into their own marketing strategy.

Furthermore, developers can learn how to spy on competition ethically. Zukowski emphasizes the importance of collaboration and shared information within the indie game community. Developers should look for opportunities to market their games by understanding the trends and audience preferences within their genre.

In addition, developers can benefit from the use of various advertising platforms, such as the use of Reddit and Facebook for paid advertising. It is also important to tailor marketing material to different social media platforms and the significance of building a strong social media presence.

Generally speaking, Indie game developers can receive practical advice on how to leverage competitive analysis, research, and strategic marketing to achieve success in the industry. By utilizing the tools and techniques shared in the session, developers can gain valuable insights into their target market and enhance their marketing efforts for their games.

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